Teetering, teetering, so close to screaming
and I just don't know what to do anymore
So many options, no clear path to anything
I just don't know what I want anymore
Please, oh God help me
I'm lost in the marshlands
of imagination
sweatshop education
every step on my sinking trajectory
feels like I live in my own daytime comedy
breaking the fourth wall and hearing the laugh track
oh, look at the camera 'cause it's just behind me
do I marry this boy?
do I study in Brighton?
do I trust that I'm making good choices on everything?
I know that I'm not and
I know that I never will
I am a sinner
and screaming would just hurt my throat
it would rouse the neighbours
and you know that the last thing I want is to wake them
so I'll just stay quiet
and writhe on the inside
agony over my life and my chosen path
where are You, God?
where do You want me to go?
do You still love and forgive me
through all that I've done?
every corner I've taken
every step away from You
and still You wait
I can run till I drop
I can run, I can't stop
I can think, I can cry,
oh I'll think till I die
it's the one thing I know I can do near half decently
please Lord stop me thinking
I'm overreacting
and how can You love me?
How can You care for me?
I'm crazy, I'm cracking,
I'm screaming, I'm shattering,
I'm scared and I'm helpless
and yet I just won't stop screwing up
blaming myself for the things that I do
'cause there's no one else to blame for them
how can You love a person like me?
so many doors
so many of them open
but it's like I've completely forgotten
how to take the first step
how to choose which door
am I simply petrified of all the doors closing?
how do I walk again
without being afraid of the fall
that I just know is coming
Lord take my feet
and show them the path
teach me how to walk again
'cause I can't do this on my own
I've been going through a lot of confusion as well... It's never been as strong before as it is now, in fact. I sympathize to some degree.